To Drug or Not to Drug?

“The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.” -Catechism of the Catholic Church

There is a stealthy game, being played by corrupt pharmaceutical companies, using our children’s lives to distribute psychiatric drugs (1). This game must end! Parents must start learning the truth, regarding the long-term and permanent injury that these drugs inflict on our children. The harm incurred by these toxic drugs is not an “if” situation, but a “when”, and the damage caused is not only irreversible, but deadly. This is precisely why these drugs contain a “black-box warning”, the strictest cautioning in the labeling of prescription drugs by the FDA. Depending on many genetic and biological factors, which include a child’s “antioxidant system” and their ability or inability to metabolize a drug, it is like playing Russian roulette every time a pill is given. The short-term “behavior fix” is not worth the long-term consequences that are suffered throughout our children’s lifetime.   Continue reading

Toxic Stress, Glutamate and the Path to Suicide

Suicide is the nation’s 10th leading cause of death, and the second leading killer for those ages 15-34. There are on average 40,000 suicides each year, having reached its highest rate in 25 years per the latest CDC report. Every year, 1 million adults will attempt suicide, with 2.2 million more making suicide plans, and another 8.3 million having suicidal thoughts (1). Why would so many people contemplate, plan, attempt, and end their life? Could it be that parents, unknowingly, are setting their children up for the risk of suicide?

This is what a very enlightening, medical research study, called the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, suggests. It is the largest, most important study of its kind, which shows correlation of a child’s past adverse experiences to the multiple risk factors for several of the leading causes of death in adults. The study concluded that the greater the number of adverse experiences a child was exposed to, the more significant the increase in risk for major health problems later in life – ischemic heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, skeletal fractures, liver disease, depression and suicide (2,3). Continue reading

Glutamate: A Double Edged Sword…….. Part 3: MSG – Fueling Disease, Obesity, Depression, Cancer, Suicide, etc

Who doesn’t enjoy a quick and easy meal for the family from Kentucky Fried Chicken, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, McDonalds, or Pizza Hut? What about eating french fries dipped in Hidden Valley Ranch dressing (my past favorite) or munching on flavored Doritos, Cheetos, or Pringles? How many times have we opened a can of food to eat a quick meal such as Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup or added a little Accent seasoning to our food? Not coincidence, all these foods, and thousands more, contain a common addictive ingredient called “monosodium glutamate”, which prior to the mid-20th century, never existed before in the United States. Like GMO foods, it is one of the most debated topics, concerning the safety of its consumption and on our health. While these debates continue to take place, both items also continue to damage not only our health, but the brains of our children and grandchildren as well as how their nervous systems are being formed during development. As the future unfolds, will we contemplate on this point in time with regret as we witness our children or grandchildren victims to learning problems; or as adults, experiencing emotional or hormonal difficulties such as obesity, infertility or cancer?    Continue reading

This entry was posted on June 1, 2015, in Glutamate.

Glutamate: A Double Edged Sword.. Part 2: GMO’s – The Poisoning of Our Families!

Genetically Modified Organisms, better known as GMO Food, is a result of DNA alteration – the changing of God’s design of creation. This alteration by man is known as genetic engineering and is done by moving, splicing, and otherwise re-arranging pieces of DNA in ways that were never before humanly or naturally possible. Our families may be paying the greatest price of all, “our health”, for what is quickly becoming known as one of mankind’s evilest and most devious attempts at restructuring the genomes of living organisms.    Continue reading

This entry was posted on May 1, 2015, in Glutamate.