Vaccines – A Syringe Of Poisons

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:2)

If there is one positive outcome that can be taken from the nefariously created COVID-19 “pandemic”, it is that parents are being awakened to the truth regarding the lies and deep-rooted corruption of our governmental health agencies including the Center for Disease Control “CDC”, the National Institute of Health “NIH” as well as the Food and Drug Administration “FDA”.

How many years have we heard from the above agencies as well as from pediatricians that vaccines are “safe and effective”? How many years has fear been instilled within the population from these same health agencies that our children will die or become seriously harmed by a disease if they are not vaccinated? How many years, despite having done extensive research on vaccine safety and effectiveness, have “anti-vaxxers” been ridiculed because they chose not to vaccinate their child(ren)? Now that the COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the vaccine schedule, it is imperative that parents begin researching for the truth about vaccines and the scientific facts backing that truth. There are over 70+ vaccines now mandated and given to a child by the time they reach 18 years of age. These vaccines contain a multitude of toxic ingredients and HAVE NEVER BEEN PROVEN TO BE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE! Please let that sink in because once you vaccinate, you cannot un-vaccinate a child!

The following is an exceptionally well written, indisputable fact-given book regarding the truth about vaccines. As Dr. Gil Yosef-Shachar M.D. wrote: “The book presents hundreds of facts, backed by solid scientific references, which will leave you speechless. …It presents everything the medical establishment knows and does not want you to know.”

Turtles All The Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth. Available on Amazon.

“If you are in the habit of quoting CDC as an authority on vaccine safety and efficacy, this book will break you of that habit. Our society is engaged in an existential battle between those willing to acknowledge the evidence on vaccine safety and those who make claims based on falsified and fraudulent data. In just over 500 pages, the exquisitely referenced “Turtles” presents reality-based fact after fact, demolishing false claim after false claim made by vaccine proponents until the truth becomes inescapable.” – James Lyons Weiler Ph.D,

Read and share the following first chapter (free PDF) with colleagues, friends and family:

The above book presents a broad and comprehensive analysis of vaccine safety.  The authors have scrutinized the field of vaccine safety from various angles, and from each of those similar views the following has emerged:

*Adequate scientific evidences for the safety of vaccines is severely lacking, and health agencies and pharmaceutical companies are deliberately concealing their true harms from the public

*Thus, one must inevitably conclude that all parties involved are engaged in deliberate and systematic efforts to hide the painful, astonishing, and earth-shattering truths regarding the “safety” of vaccines from the public

*…there is no question that the health establishment engages in deceptive propaganda designed to exaggerate and artificially inflate the benefits of vaccines

*…you may be wondering whether doctors are aware of the facts presented in this book.  Could they possibly know about the enormous fraud that has harmed so many millions of our children?  And if so, what is their reaction to all of this? The answer is that, apart from a tiny minority, doctors are completely unaware of the vaccine fraud.  Most of them have no clue how vaccines are tested in their pre-licensure clinical trials. The vast majority would probably be surprised to hear that the vaccine program they believe to be immaculate has never been done.  Doctors do not study vaccines in medical school much beyond memorizing the current schedule and, other than the few who specialize in vaccinology, have no incentive or time to dig deeper into a field that is not their specialty.

This entry was posted on February 15, 2023, in Vaccines.

Vaccines – Biologically Impossible to “Do No Harm”

Because God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might have being, and the creatures of the world are wholesome; there is not a destructive drug among them nor any domain of Hades on earth, for righteousness is undying.”   (Wisdom 1:13-15)

 God created life to be “wholesome”! This means, that which is conducive to life – natural, uncontaminated, organic, ethical, clean, pure – all the things that are beneficial for one’s health, physically and mentally.

So why would items such as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, Polysorbate 80, monosodium glutamate, aborted fetal and animal tissues (i.e. monkey kidney cells), only a few of toxic components found in  vaccines, advertised to be safe? (1) These constituents make vaccines a very destructive drug and biologically IMPOSSIBLE not to harm the human body. Toxic foreign substances are devastating to our immune system. Although we have been told “vaccines are safe and effective”, the law clearly considers them to be “unavoidably unsafe”. The word “unavoidable” comes straight from the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which explicitly states, “products which, in the present state of human knowledge, are quite INCAPABLE OF BEING MADE SAFE.” (2,3) (my emphasis). If they were safe, there would not have been a need for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, set up in 1988. Since vaccines cannot concurrently be both “safe” and “unsafe”, we must decide if their risk is worth taking with our children’s lives. To make this decision, we first must understand the long-term ramifications of “toxicity” to the human body. (4,5) Continue reading

Vaccines – A Neurological Missile Attack

You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.                        -William Wilberforce  

The United States has the most expensive health care system as compared to 10 other industrialized nations; and in spite of having the highest percentage of specialized physicians, the U.S. ranks dead last in healthy lives of all ages. (1,2,3) Our kids are sicker than any other country in the developed world, despite spending more per capita on healthcare, and they are less likely than children in international peer countries to reach their fifth birthday. Americans are suffering and dying from illness and injury at rates that are demonstrably unnecessary. (3,4,38) Out of 21 countries studied, the U.S. fared the worst by far with deaths from neurological disease. In this study, which is published in the journal Surgical Neurology International, it was found that the incidence of neurological disease and deaths, from these disorders, has risen DRAMATICALLY within the last few decades and are striking people at a much younger age. The lead researcher stated, “The rate of increase in such a short time suggests a silent or even a ‘hidden’ epidemic, in which environmental factors must play a major part, not just aging”. (5,6) Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 6 children in the U.S. have a developmental disability. (7) Clearly and indisputably the U.S., which is among the wealthiest nations in the world, has a MAJOR HEALTH PROBLEM. Is it possible that the massive increases in vaccinations are serving as one of the most dangerous environmental factors that are contributing to this ‘hidden’ neurological disease epidemic? I do not believe it is coincidence that the U.S. has the highest number of mandated vaccines for children in the world, as well, as the highest autism rate in the world. (8,9) Continue reading

Vaccines — CDC Vaccine Whistleblower

 “Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil; redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow.”  (Isaiah 1:16-17)

“Oh my God, I cannot believe we did what we did… but we did. I was involved in deceiving millions of taxpayers regarding the potential negative side effects of vaccines. I regret what I did.”(1,3,4) This admission of deliberate illegal behavior was confessed by Dr. William Thompson, a long time researcher and Senior Government Scientist involved in vaccine research and safety at the CDC Immunization Safety office. He was the author and coauthor of all three of the leading CDC studies that supposedly exonerate vaccines as a causative agent of autism.

It was in late August 2014 when Dr. Thompson made the official public statement, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics”. He confessed, “I have great shame now when I meet families with kids with autism because I’ve—I’ve been part of the problem.”(1,5) Dr. Thompson has invoked the protection of the Federal Whistleblower Statute and has recently turned over thousands of incriminatory CDC documents to Congressman Bill Posey of Florida, hoping to be subpoenaed by Congress to testify under oath.(1,5,6,7) He states that he and his peers “intentionally” changed the results of the only vaccine which has ever been studied for safety regarding autism, the MMR vaccine. He has confessed that the CDC deliberately concealed data showing that MMR can cause autism, particularly in African American boys who are vaccinated before the age of three—that MMR is linked to a 340 percent increased risk of autism in black boys.(1,3,21) Dr. Thompson says he is remorseful over his involvement and wants to expose the CDC and its group of individuals who are responsible for this corruption and the subsequent financially motivated cover-up. These individuals include Dr. Frank DeStefano, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, and Dr. Coleen Boyle.(1,5,21) Continue reading

This entry was posted on September 7, 2015, in Vaccines.